Call for Papers: Institute for Education Symposium 2024


Minds and Machines Unite: The AI Symposium

The 5th Annual Symposium of the Institute for Education will be held on 23rd October 2024. It will focus on the theme ‘Minds and Machines Unite: The AI symposium’.

Artificial Intelligence has impacted teaching and learning at all levels of education. It has raised concerns about academic integrity and, closely linked, the validity, reliability, and relevance of traditional forms of assessment. One response to this development has been the initiative by plagiarism detection software companies to improve the detection of content likely developed by artificial intelligence. At the same time, artificial intelligence has triggered discussions about assessment strategies in general. An area that deserves further attention, however, is the potential opportunities of artificial intelligence in the teaching and learning process. As is the case in any technological development, both threats as well as opportunities may be reaped from it. The symposium seeks to provide a platform to investigate both aspects of artificial intelligence – the potential negative impact of and response to artificial intelligence as well its potential opportunities for teaching and learning.

Proposals are being sought for individual paper presentations and poster presentations on this topic. A proposal can be submitted by an individual or group of authors. Accepted papers and posters will be invited to present their research at the 5th Annual Symposium. More information