The Dis/Continuity of the Implementation of Play-Based Learning From Kindergarten 2 to Year 1 in a Maltese School
Benefits of Play, Challenges of Play-Based Learning, Early Childhood Education, Play-Based LearningAbstract
This study examines the implementation of play-based learning as a pedagogical tool within Early Childhood Education in one school in Malta, focusing on the continuation of play-based learning from Kindergarten 2 to Year 1. It explores its implementation and identifies possible challenges encountered during its execution. This qualitative research methodology involved interviews with an Early Years Educational Officer, as well as two Kindergarten 2 educators, and two Year 1 teachers from one state school. Two main themes emerged, namely the implementation of play-based learning and the challenges within the context of a Maltese school. The findings indicated that educators valued the importance of play in education, but identified challenges such as lack of resources, time constraints, and pupils’ behaviour. The study provides suggestions for the School Leadership Team, Early Years Education Officers, and educators to address these challenges and enhance the implementation of play-based learning in Early Childhood Education.
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