




With its commitment to fostering lifelong learning and continuous professional development of educators, the Institute for Education is proud of the achievement of its course participants, and through this issue of the Malta Journal of Education it wishes to celebrate their commitment and dedication. During the Academic Year 2021/2022 thirty-eight course participants completed their Master’s degree and sixteen course participants their Bachelor degree. As they are all part-time students and, in the majority, already practitioners in the field, the Institute for Education is conscious of the considerable commitment they have made throughout their studies. Reconciling this with family commitments often leaves limited time for self-care and wellbeing. The Institute for Education, therefore, wishes to not only celebrate their achievement but also wants to give their research the visibility it deserves for the improvement of education in Malta.

The Academic Year 2021/2022 saw the second cohort of course participants submitting their dissertations and completing their Bachelor and Master’s degrees at the Institute for Education. It also marked the first year of full-time lecturing staff at the Institute for Education. As such it proved to be a period of both growth and consolidation. This issue of the Malta Journal of Education is acknowledging this growth by incorporating both research carried out by our course participants as well as by its lecturers and staff.

The present issue also wishes to remember a special course participant and colleague of ours – Mr Arthur Victor Agius. Arthur followed the Bachelor of Education (Honours) Hospitality at the Institute for Education. A committed educator, Arthur continued to further his studies throughout his life. His passing has left his family as well as the students and staff at the Institute for Education with a void. We would like to remember and honour him with this issue by calling to mind the importance of following one’s passion in life.

Author Biography

Christine Fenech, Institute for Education

Christine Fenech is the Senior Manager Research and Development at the Institute for Education, which aims at supporting teachers, parents, and students to address the challenges they face through evidence-based guidelines. Previously she worked as Manager for Research and Policy at the National Commission for Further and Higher Education. She holds a Magister Artium in History of Art, Political Science and Philosophy from the Free University of Berlin and a Master degree in Comparative Euro-Mediterranean Education Studies from the University of Malta. She is currently undertaking her PhD focusing on the academic achievement of migrant students in Malta.




How to Cite

Fenech, C. (2022). Editorial. Malta Journal of Education, 3(2), 6. https://doi.org/10.62695/UBDY3232