



It is the Institute for Education’s mission to promote quality education for all educators and educational leaders, foster learning communities and contribute to equity and social justice. One way of achieving this is by gathering and sharing latest research on education. Establishing an annual symposium and giving an opportunity to postgraduate and doctoral students and researchers to share their research in education with the community of educators and educational leaders, as well as with parents and policy makers in Malta is the Institute’s contribution to this end. Through this journal, this research is being made available and easily accessible to the learning community beyond the symposium itself. As such, it is meant to serve as a resource and source of inspiration to educators, educational leaders, policy makers, parents and the interested public alike.

Author Biography

Christine Fenech, Institute for Education

Christine Fenech is the Senior Manager Research and Development at the Institute for Education, which aims at supporting teachers, parents, and students to address the challenges they face through evidence-based guidelines. Previously she worked as Manager for Research and Policy at the National Commission for Further and Higher Education. She holds a Magister Artium in History of Art, Political Science and Philosophy from the Free University of Berlin and a Master degree in Comparative Euro-Mediterranean Education Studies from the University of Malta. She is currently undertaking her PhD focusing on the academic achievement of migrant students in Malta.


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How to Cite

Fenech, C. (2020). Introduction. Malta Journal of Education, 1(1), 9–12.