Migrant Learners' Unit: Scaffolding a Learning Culture Without Silos





Internationalisation, Multiculturalism, Diversity, Social inclusion, Social wellbeing, Equity


The aim of this paper is to give an insight into the work of the Migrant Learners’ Unit (MLU) within the Ministry for Education and Employment (MEDE), an initiative with a commitment that goes beyond academic achievement. This paper will explain in detail the rationale of the Unit, while looking at how it operates at organisational and at education provision levels. Furthermore, it will expound on how the MLU works with various stakeholders to build an understanding of various factors which enable the migrant learner to achieve a socially just educational experience. It will give a brief recount of the events that have influenced this area of education in recent years and specifically illustrate how various policies have influenced the setting up and the work done by the MLU.

Author Biographies

Jane Farrugia Buhagiar, Migrant Learners' Unit, Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation

Jane Farrugia Buhagiar taught for more than sixteen years in various schools. She worked as a teacher trainer and participated in the Summer Institute at the National Writing Project (NWP) site at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. She was part of the consultative working group on migrant learners in schools in 2013 and was involved in the setting up of the provision of language induction processes for newcomer learners. Since 2011, Jane has been involved in the coordination and management of five EU co-funded projects which focused on the training of teachers, the provision of language teaching and parental support for the integration of newcomer learners. Jane is currently an Education Officer within the Migrant Learners’ Unit.

Lara Sammut Debono, Migrant Learners' Unit, Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation

Lara Sammut is a professionally trained teacher specialising in the teaching of foreign languages. She is passionate about continuous professional development and the teaching of foreign languages. She has participated in various fora involving migration and the coordination of EU funded social cohesion projects. She covers the duties of Education Officer at the Migrant Learners’ Unit within the Ministry for Education and Employment, in Malta.


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How to Cite

Farrugia Buhagiar, J., & Sammut Debono, L. (2020). Migrant Learners’ Unit: Scaffolding a Learning Culture Without Silos. Malta Journal of Education, 1(1), 226–246. https://doi.org/10.62695/XJHP1415

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