Exploring Adolescents’ School Experience in Malta





Adolescents, School satisfaction, School-related stress, Schoolwork pressure, Teacher support, Classmate support, Perceived academic performance


Adolescents who experience school as a nurturing and supportive environment have better educational outcomes, health and wellbeing (Currie et al., 2004; Rathmann et al., 2018; Coelho & Dell’Aglio, 2019; WHO, 2020). Hence, schools must consider their impact on adolescent wellbeing and development (Cefai et al., 2021). This paper delves into the school experience of secondary school students in Malta, specifically in Years 7, 9 and 11. It analyses some of the data collected as part of the 2022 Health Behaviour in School Children study (HBSC): school satisfaction and school-related pressure and stress, perceived academic performance, support from teachers and classmates; how these interrelate and whether they are underpinned by demographic factors (school year and biological sex).


Adolescents, school satisfaction, school-related stress, schoolwork pressure, teacher support, classmate support, perceived academic performance

Author Biographies

Jeannine Vassallo, Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation

Jeannine Vassallo is currently employed as Senior Manager within the Education Ministry’s Research Unit. Jeannine has worked in the delivery, regulation, research and policymaking of welfare and education services and at the House of Representatives. Jeannine holds a B.A. (Hons) Anthropology (Melit.), M.Sc. Social Research (Edin.), M.Sc. Integrative Health and Social Care (Derby) and CMI Level 7 Extended Diploma.

Maria Pace, Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation

Maria Pace is currently employed as an Education Officer within the Education Ministry’s Research Unit. Maria has previously worked as a primary school teacher and a nurture group teacher. She also lectures educators. Maria holds a B.Ed. Primary (Hons) (Melit.), an M.Ed. SEBD (Melit.), a Master in Applied Education Leadership (MAEL) (Melit.) and an Ed.D. in Children, Schools and Families (Sheffield).


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How to Cite

Vassallo, J., & Pace, M. (2024). Exploring Adolescents’ School Experience in Malta. Malta Journal of Education, 4(1), 139–164. https://doi.org/10.62695/QQHL8084

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